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Lastest News and Published Articles 2023

Recent updates, information, media and news articles published.
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X4000 5G Innovation Lab 2023 - 5G technology demonstrating 5G capabilties and 5G use cases for vendors and customers in a secure controlled environment showcasing the worlds most leading edge wireless technology in mid-year 2023.

Round 1 - Registration is open to participate - closes 28th February 2023

X4000 Communications is the first digital service provider in Australia to offer private 5G mobile network enabling Open RAN with dedicated X4000 5G Fast Air with 85% spectrum coverage across all capital, regional, rural and remote locations including all Australian major infrastructure for 5G digital transformation.


X4000 Private 5G (XP5G) powered by Open RAN technology enabling 5G technology for Enterprise, Industry 4.0, and Public Safety.


X4000 5G Fast Air Spectrum-as-a-Service leasing for private 5G networks! 

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New Joint Sales Brochure and Social Media published from Tata Communications Transformation Services.

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© 2023 by X4000 Communications PTY LTD
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